
What can you do with coinpay?

Join the Coinpay.cr ecosystem of renowned blockchain products and provide the best of a global platform of multiple services and security. Provide crypto-centric, secure solutions to your customers and prospects with Coinpay.cr digital workspace, solutions and network.

What does coin mean?

但如果以Coin是「幣」,而Token是「代幣」,來區分,是遠遠不夠的。 簡單從所代表的意義來探討,最初比特幣出現的時候,Bitcoin,這樣的Coin(幣),是用作支付、或價值儲存,主要的用途是作為流通的貨幣來使用。

How to make full use of coinpayu?

How to make full use of Coinpayu? Turn off AdBlocker or set exception for Coinpayu in AdBlocker. Refresh the page, then everything will be working fine. coinpayu

What is a coin token?

代幣與令牌的對應英文單字皆為 Token,在區塊鏈領域中一般不加以區分,但兩者在意思上具有些許區別; 英文 Token 實際上既包含代幣、令牌也包含代金券、證券、通證、 紀念物等概念,準確來說代幣的對應英文為 Token Coin,在區塊鏈領域中與「支付令牌」具備相同的意義。


